Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Saddam Almost Got Away With It

Saddam, playing games this morning in his trial, refused to identify himself to the Court:

Amin [the Judge], a Kurd, tried to get Saddam to formally identify himself but Saddam refused. . . . Amin read his name for him, calling him the "former president of Iraq," bringing a protest from Saddam, who insisted he was still in the post.

"I'm out of order, you're out
of order, this whole country's
out of order."

Later, the article reports this:

The other defendants include Saddam's former intelligence chief Barazan Ibrahim, former vice president Taha Yassin Ramadan . . . .

Ramadan also refused to identify himself to the judge.

"I repeat what President Saddam Hussein has said," he added.

D'oh. Had Ramadan kept quite, Saddam might have been let go.

H/t, WSJ's Best of the Web.


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