My Contributions to The Ebb & Flow Institute
If I had decided to start my own Blog earlier, I would have likely produced these works and put them here. I only started this type of work, however, because Pile On asked my to help at The Ebb & Flow Institute. So with my focus being his Blog, I will link my work there - here.
Even The Man Was Shocked;
Evening Round Up;
This Week With KJ;
Finally, A Good Oscar Year For Crips and Gender-Benders (Next Year The Tards Will Return);
Scandal In The Legal Community? No way!;
So Busy -- Need New Brain;
Monday's Feelings II;
Monday's Feelings;
The Real Super Bowl Issue;
Super Bowl - Live Blog;
Happy Century Ayn Rand;
Tuesday's Feelings;
Sunday's Feelings;
Smoking Employees;
News Ebbs and Flows;
Romantic? Pathetic? You Decide;
The Perfect Trial;
Naked News Stories;
Oscar's Phone Does Not Dial 911;
Cruel and Unusually Vacant;
More Oppresive Action From An Out Of Control Attorney General.