Monday, November 28, 2005

Happy Holidays, With Your Holiday Trees and Holiday Presents

Lowe's apparently believes that other groups and religions celebrate something in December with a cut down tree.

I mean, really. Who uses a "Holiday Tree?" Do Jews celebrate Chanukah with a tree? No. Do Muslims celebrate whatever they celebrate this time of year (is it Ramadan again?) with a tree? Helk no!

It is a Christmas Tree. Not a Holiday Tree. It isn't covered in Holiday Ornaments. It is covered in Christmas Ornaments. It doesn't have holiday lights on it. They are Christmas Lights. And it isn't covered in Holiday Tensil. In fact, it isn't covered in tensil at all, because I hate that stuff. It is so annoying to seperate and then take off, if you are inclined to do that. Besides, my 55 lb. puppy thinks that any dangling things on the tree is an invitation to fetch it.

And another thing. Notice the Spanish on that sign? Guess what that sign says in Spanish.

Go ahead.

That's right. Navidad means "Christmas." The trees are "Holiday Trees" in English, but "Christmas Trees" in Spanish. Not need to worry about Jewish or Muslim hispanics I guess. You can tell them the truth. They are Christmas Trees.


At 4:02 PM, Blogger Cassandra said...

Guess what that sign says in Spanish

¡Aquí! ¡Ahora! Hará cualquier cosa para una ojeada de el famban barretoso de Selma Hayek.

Abogado de Atlanta

At 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a fake Christmas tree. So, does that mean that the real trees are for a fake celebration?

My son will be off from school on a 'Winter Break.' However, he does have a principal who DARES to pray. And I have no problem with that at all.

At 7:31 PM, Blogger Pile On® said...

I heard about this on the radio today, and I understand there was a problem at this store.

Inside they had plenty of Christmas tree stands, but they did not have anything to hold up these holiday trees.

It was like a bummer.


At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KJ, have had the same problem with my dogs ... I remember one X-Mass morning chasing my lab around the house after he took off with one of the ornaments!

Frodo (short!!!)

At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to American Fam. Assoc., Lowes has removed the "Holiday Trees" restraints (banners) and are now free to roam about the "CHRISTMAS Trees" cabin. Walgreens, citing already having this years ads, etc. done and unchangable) has agreed to be CHRISTMAS inclusive next CHRISTMAS...err..Holyday...

I mean even Holly Jolly Christmas is part of an endangered species.

YO FRODO!! Congrats on your posting bail outta the sandbox! WOOO HOOOOOO! Prayin' for ya..

Just so's you know (that I have NO intentions of paying royalties). I read one of your posts on air yesterday in La. It was basically a troop response to Murthas Madness.....It was so good, I just had to use it as a REALITY CHECK, and subtle yet kinder, gentler snark bomb lob at the (seeminly) lobotomized ilk of Murtha.

Lord have Merthy on Murtha....and the rest of that messth of mouthy, malcontent Murthenaries......

As for Christmas decos.....CATS....they're a big prob. Sheesh! cat even eats my SILK Poinsettias!!!....What a psycho!


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