Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Sky Really Is Falling - Well, The Sea Really Is Warmer

In other news, National Geographic steps over the inert body of science in order to sell you some more global warming:
Writing in tomorrow's issue of the journal Science, the study's authors stop shy of pinning the increase in hurricane intensity on global warming. To do so would require a longer historical period of study and a better understanding of hurricane dynamics, they say.

But in an interview with National Geographic News, the study's lead author, Peter Webster, said, "I'm prepared to make an attribution to global warming."

KJ may agree as I do that the folks' data does show that hurricanes have been getting more intense over the past 35 years; patterns do change, and the sea surface temperatures have risen. KJ may even agree that we should look to more efficient energy sources than petroleum products.

But I think we both agree that you don't need to prove a creaky theory in order to come to these conclusions or to accept them. Too bad the new science-as-theocrat crowd doesn't get it.


At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sea is warmer? Is that because of Bush not signing the Kyoto Accords or is it because he took a potty break?

On the subject of alternative energy: I am all for it.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Jane Bellwether said...

Maybe if we all kill ourselves right now, everything will be okay. At least that's the impression I get from these kinds of reports.

Me being a skeptic and all, I'm waiting for everyone else to jump before I do.

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Noton Yalife said...

Maybe if we all kill ourselves right now, everything will be okay. At least that's the impression I get from these kinds of reports.

Well, there is a group set up for just that purpose. (and yes, they are serious)

At 8:25 PM, Blogger Jane Bellwether said...

You tryin' to help me out here, emmenem? Wouldn't you like a little more, oh, I don't know, ummmmm..... proof or anything?


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