Friday, September 30, 2005

Get Your Special Peanut Flavored Carter Kool-Aid Right Here

Jimmy Carter, formerly an awful President, then a respectable charitable home builder, and now a Commie Dictator Butt Kissing Disreputable Former President, has been drinking the Kool Aid.

In four years, Carter destroyed what was left of an economy, destroyed our military, destroyed our CIA, and destroyed our morale. Now at least he spends his time destroying something that belongs to only himself: his credibility.

The man who claimed Nicaragua held a valid, fair election, and Castro had a bitchin' eutopian pad, spoke the 5 year old, proven false, Democratic party lie:
"Well I would say that in the year 2000, the country failed abysmally in the presidential election process," Carter told a panel Monday at American University in Washington, D.C. "There's no doubt in my mind that Al Gore was elected president."
I must admit that I am so tired of this. After the Florida Supreme Court ignored its own statutes, ordered dissimilar vote counting for the same types of ballots, and let people handle and rehandle paper chads multiple times, the U.S. Supreme Court finally said, enough! Every votes must be read the same way -- and you counted them twice. Name your winner.

And then, after the election, for good measure, the LameStream Media went through the votes again. The LSM recounted the whole state. And what did they find? BUSH WON! And in 2004, he won again.

Was the Florida election in 2000 crazy? Yeah. Was the U.S. Supreme Court wrong? Maybe (I don't think so, but I'll call it debateable). Was the Florida Supreme Court partisan (for Gore) and wrong in the application of Florida law? Without a doubt.

November of 2000 was nuts. But the right man was declared the winner. We know it. It isn't an "unknown" fact.

Get over it.

And stop lying.

Carter: you are either an idiot or a liar. Which is it?


At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:20 AM, Blogger spd rdr said...

Carter is the crazy uncle that we try to keep in the house so he doesn't hurt himself. Seriously, Jimmy, your time is up.

At 3:21 PM, Blogger Jane Bellwether said...

And they try to retroactivate Reagan's Alzheimer's... I think we have a diagnosis that's long overdue here.

At 4:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

either/or = not mutually exclusive...

Either way Carter is an "all around" = "encompassing" jackass. :)

At 11:52 AM, Blogger tyreea said...

Carter was not a total washout as a President. The Abrams tank, Patriot missle and numerous other weapons systems that served our forces well in Operation Desert Storm were put into production on his watch. On the other hand, when there was rampant Democrat voter fraud in the 1960 Presidential election Richard Nixon let it go. I guess Nixon had more class than Carter.


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