Monday, September 05, 2005

Forget Stuffy Black Robes

Image hosted by Photobucket.comWith the possibility of become Chief Justice, many are wondering what Roberts will do with the five year tradition of the Chief Justice wearing gold stripes.

Rumor has it that the better question is whether the Supreme Court will even wear those stuffy, boring black robes at all anymore.

For example, in the spirit of recent Supreme Court decisions, Judge Roberts has decided to look outside the United States for ideas in Judicial attire. For example, a Justice of the Supreme Court of, appropriately enough, Queensland, has the following design that is said to be on the Judge Roberts short list:

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Whether Judge Roberts will adopt this fanciful design for all Justices on the United States Supreme Court will be answered soon enough.
Cross posted at CBWSTGJR.


At 8:57 PM, Blogger KJ said...

Run away is right.

Actually, "stirpes" is a legal term of art. Since you didn't get the joke, your legal ignorance is showing.


At 4:36 PM, Blogger spd rdr said...

"Stirpes" is actually the legal name for those icy drinks you get a 7-Eleven.


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