Euro-trash Tuesday 6/28 - MRUN Not In Protest
A naked bike protest was held in Madrid.
Man Riding Unicycle Naked asked me to report that he did not attend because unicycles were not given proper respect.
They'll turn us all into beggars 'cause they're easier to please; They're feeding our people that Government Cheese. --The Rainmakers
How dare they be so intolerant! Don't they know that when you only have one wheel, it takes much more work and skill just to be equal to the two wheeled society. They should all be sent to a sensitivity seminar to learn to appreciate the efforts of people like MRUN.
just ouch. And a certain Queen anthem will be going through my head for a while. ewwww.
They really dont appreciate the fine art of single wheel riding in Spain. I also look better than most of them. Staying balanced on one wheel does wonders for your abs. Key West is just fine for me.
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